Parks and Gardens


Parks and Gardens

Original price was: 11.95 €.Current price is: 6.00 €.

The book titled Parks and Gardens is part of the series Cultural Heritage of Slovakia. As we can read in the title, the works of garden and landscape architecture formed by man, is the content of this book.


The book titled Parks and Gardens is part of the series Cultural Heritage of Slovakia. As we can read in the title, the works of garden and landscape architecture formed by man, is the content of this book. The terms of garden and park are often intersected, so we can not separate them; however the aim of this book is something else. Their owners and, contemporary style, but above all their functions have changed over time. Their forms have also changed. Some of the representative gardens became public parks and some of them are connected with landscape parks. They belong to the main features of the Slovak country and their numbers endeavour the natural beauty and charm of Slovakia.
Most of gardens and parks are the symbols of individual Slovak localities and they belong to the well-known tourist destinations. In this regard we decided to select those which are the most important from the visual and aesthetical point of view and also have important historical background. The effort of the authors was to show the objects with preserved elements of their creators. These objects are also important within individual regions. There are many gardens and parks that deserve our attention, but we regret the contents of our books are limited and so some of your favourite gardens or parks were not included in the books. We intend to show those gardens and parks, which present the objects historically and regionally significant and are important for our society. The book Parks and Gardens is addressed for the lovers of garden architecture
and nature and for the general public. The chosen localities show their cultural and natural values.

Ďalšie informácie


Natália Režná a kol.





Technické údaje

2010, poč. Strán 128, rozmer 160 x 235 mm, väzba: mäkká

Telefón: 0918 320 117
Adresa: Karloveské rameno 4B
841 04 Bratislava, SR