Wooden Churches


Wooden Churches

Original price was: 11.95 €.Current price is: 6.00 €.

The new edition of Cultural Heritage of Slovakia includes also the first edition entitled Wooden Churches. Its choise was no chance because wooden churches are part of Slovakia’s cache of cultural heritage.

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The new edition of Cultural Heritage of Slovakia includes also the first edition entitled Wooden Churches.
Its choise was no chance because wooden churches are part of Slovakia’s cache of cultural heritage. These noteworthy architectural treasures now number fewer than 50 structures of the original approximately 300. All the wooden churches are still characterised by their fragile beauty and sensitive setting in the natural landscape. Because of their nostalgic appearance, unusual reminder of folk traditions, technical-artistic workmanship and social importance they rank among Slovakia‘s most important cultural monuments and best pieces of wooden sacral architecture preserved in the Western Carpathians despite the massive destruction in the 19th century.
Great attention is now being paid to the wooden churches because of the ambition to place some of them on the UNESCO’s World Cultural and Natural Heritage List. We believe that this publication will also contribute to their better propagation and will be read not only by the local people but also by foreign visitors.

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Miloš Dudáš, Ivan Gojdič, Margita Šukajlová





Technické údaje

2007, poč. Strán 128, rozmer 160 x 235 mm, väzba: mäkká


Ivan Gojdič, Margita Šukajlová, Miloš Dudáš





Technické údaje

2007, poč. Strán 128, rozmer 160 x 235 mm, väzba: mäkká

Telefón: 0918 320 117
Adresa: Karloveské rameno 4B
841 04 Bratislava, SR